Corrosion prevention for solar panels
The self-contained STOPCOR SOLAR device is an anode designed for solar water heater – boiler applications. It is an innovative product offering two years of protection against electrolysis. It is the only stopcor device in the product line with a spare part for maintenance.
Installation Instructions
The STOPCOR SOLAR anode for solar boilers is comprised of two parts: the device itself and the metal mounting bracket.
The device is equipped with two plugs to be used for installing the product to the metal frame of the solar water heater. The stopcor solar device comes with two wires (red – yellow) and is fixed to the frame of the solar water heater.
The red wire is adjusted to a metal conductive point of the water heater, on the water input pipe.
The yellow wire is adjusted to the grounding electrode (cap) which is fixed to the pipe tee which is found at the water input or output.
Stopcor Solar Check – Maintenance
Adjust the multimeter for the Direct Current (DC) reading at 2 Volts intervals.
Attach one end of the tool on the left screw and the other on the right screw. The result of the reading should range starting from 1 volt or more. If it is less than 1 volt, then we use the spare part to replace it.
The metal mounting bracket of the product does not require any replacement.